Addon Details

Addon ID: 1262
Uploaded: Nov 06, 2024
Updated: Nov 06, 2024
Downloads: Less than 100


orbenn Creator

TellMeWhen is a WoW WotLK addon that provides visual, auditory, and textual notifications about cooldowns, buffs, and pretty much every other element of combat. TellMeWhen is…


Icons can track any of the following things:

  1. Cooldowns
  2. Buffs/Debuffs
  3. Reactive abilities
  4. Temporary weapon enchants
  5. Totems
  6. Rune cooldowns
  7. Internal cooldowns
  8. Others’ cooldowns
  9. Diminishing returns
  10. Spell casts
  11. …And any combination of over 110 other things with easy-to-use conditions.


‘/tmw’ – Toggles TellMeWhen between locked (functional) or unlocked (configuration) states.

‘/tmw options’ – Opens the general settings configuration for TellMeWhen.

‘/tmw profile “Profile Name”‘ – Loads a TellMeWhen profile. Profile name is case sensitive, and must be quoted if it contains spaces. (E.g. ‘/tmw profile “Cybeloras – Aerie Peak”‘).

‘/tmw enable global|profile groupID iconID’ – Enables the specified group or icon (E.g. ‘/tmw enable 2 4’ or ‘/tmw enable global 3’).

‘/tmw disable global|profile groupID iconID’ – Disables the specified group or icon (E.g. ‘/tmw disable profile 2 4’ or ‘/tmw disable 3’).

‘/tmw toggle global|profile groupID iconID’ – Toggles the specified group or icon between enabled and disabled (E.g. ‘/tmw toggle global 2 4’ or ‘/tmw toggle profile 3’).

‘/tmw cpu’ – Enables and displays a UI for measurements of icon performance. This is an advanced feature; no guidance on reading the data will be offered.

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