Addon Details

Addon ID: 2030
Uploaded: Nov 08, 2024
Updated: Nov 08, 2024
Downloads: Less than 100



Starinnia Creator

SimpleMD is a small addon used to broadcast information about your threat redirection spells to your raid or party. SimpleMD now tracks both Misdirection and Tricks of the Trade.

Slash Commands

/simplemd or /smd


Automatic broadcasting on successful Misdirection/Tricks cast, even from within macros

Multiple display zones including, the chat frame, to a custom channel, raid warning, raid and party chat, and even to Scrolling Combat Text addons

Warnings include: MD/Tricks cast, MD/Tricks fading, and cooldown information

Optional cooldown bars for a visual representation of everyone’s MD/Tricks cooldown

Bars will switch to a 4 or 6 second duration when you are actually transferring threat (for MD and Tricks respectively)

Improved combat log handling means that SimpleMD is able to track all threat redirection effect casts and fades from any hunter or rogue, even if they don’t have SimpleMD

The addon only sends messages for cooldown alerts

CD Bars and Cast/Fade/CD warnings are only displayed if you are in a party or raid

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