Addon Details

Addon ID: 3481
Uploaded: Dec 14, 2024
Updated: Dec 14, 2024
Downloads: 108
Website: Source Link



RichSteini Creator

Feature rich nameplate addon for that was designed based on the modern Plater addon. The main purpose is to provide extensive threat information on nameplates with fully configurable options. The core features include:

  1. Threat display with dps / healer and tank mode
  2. Nameplate Color Coding (including an option for class colors)
  3. Threat Status Bar/Text
  4. Threat Differential Text
  5. Threat Number Text
  6. Fully customizable look, every bar (including borders) / text is movable / scalable
  7. Textual health font for enemy healthbar in different configurations (percent, min / max, both)
  8. Textual casting fonts for enemy castbar in different configurations (spellname, time remaining, time taken, both)\
  9. Highly adjustable Target Options
  10. Border Indicator and Highlight like in Plater
  11. Non-Target Shading
  12. Target Overlay
  13. Mouseover Highlight
  14. Target-Target Text
  15. Stacking Options
  16. Simulator Frame
  17. Profiles

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