Addon Details

Addon ID: 3336
Uploaded: Dec 10, 2024
Updated: Dec 12, 2024
Downloads: Less than 100
Website: Source Link



Macumbafeh Creator

Make your unit frames colored and glorious.

This addon is a fork of GhettoFrames (but it’s only visual fork, because all code written from scratch).


  1. ClassColored healthbars
  2. Bigger healthbars
  3. Scalable frames
  4. Light/dark frames textures
  5. Improved mana/health format
  6. Classicons instead of portraits option
  7. Changeable Bartextures
  8. Custom buff size
  9. Highlight dispelled (or steal-able) buffs
  10. Limitations of count displayed buffs/debuffs
  11. Show/hide some unit frames elements (like name, specialbar, rest icon, etc)
  12. Show/hide blizzard’s target castbar
  13. Save/restore positions of frames between characters

To open the options window, type “/ef” or “/easyframes” 

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