Addon Details

Addon ID: 1655
Uploaded: Nov 08, 2024
Updated: Nov 08, 2024
Downloads: Less than 100



bsmorgan Creator

Skillet replaces your default Blizzard tradeskill window with a new and improved version.


Larger the the standard tradeskill window

Built-in queue for creating multiple, different items

Queued items are saved when you log out and are restored on log in

Automatically buy reagents for queued recipes when visiting a vendor

If you can craft a reagent needed by a recipe, then clicking on that reagent will take you to its recipe (same features as Reverse Engineering)

If the item to be crafted requires a minimum level to use, that level can be displayed along with the recipe (disabled by default)

The shopping list of items needed for all queued recipes for all alts can be displayed at banks, auction houses, or from the command line

Items needed for crafting queued items can be automatically retrieved from your bank or guild bank (by using the shopping list)

User editable list of notes attached to reagents and crafted items

Queued counts added to (optional) notes display

Crafted counts can be adjusted with Right-click and Shift-right-click on the item icon in the detail frame

Recipes can be filtered by name, whether or not you could level when creating the item, and whether or not you have the mats available

Sorting of recipes (name, difficulty, level, and quality of crafted item)

Tracking inventory on alternate characters

Plugin support for (limited) modification of the Skillet frame by other addons

Custom grouping

User managed Ignored Materials List

Complete or mostly complete localizations for deDE, esES, frFR, ruRU, koKR, zhCN, zhTW

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